Sunday, October 31, 2010

Special Update: The Linda 'Miracle' Graves Release Date Pool

We're thinking that, given Linda's progress, we will be wending our way home to Vernon sometime in November. So let's have a 'pool' to guess the date. The winner(s) of the pool will receive a box of Christmas baking. To help you with your medical prognostications, here are the particulars about her physical condition as of today (Oct. 31): she has 2 lower abdominal tubes, both still draining; she is off all antibiotics and her temperature has been stable since last Thursday; her incision has healed except for a 1 -inch section which is closing slowly; she can throw her legs out of bed, stand up, and walk down the hall and back to bed (with a bit of huffing); her white blood cell count, hemoglobin and blood sugars are stable/normal. Please indicate the date which you think Linda will walk out the doors of Foothills and into her waiting Ford Exploder. I will keep a master list of all guesses.

So Chris (the nephew) and I went off this afternoon to a party supply store and bought Linda a pump and balloons. She's already given one dog away to a little girl in the cafeteria and has another one ready for Dr Temple when he comes for Rounds tomorrow morning. Great exercise for those hands!!! Thanks, Kim, for the reminder!

102 #12

Yesterday was  a pretty good day - nausea was at a minimum - really only happened when Linda had a wee coughing bout - I think that's progress! And she did manage to down some chicken broth (not home-made tho). She's VERY tired of all the sweet fluids and jello and popsicles - wanting something with a more substantial taste. So I talked her into trying some tea - just weak, gentle green tea. One sip and her face almost collapsed in on itself - she definitely has not acquired a new appreciation for tea. We're still hoping that tomorrow she'll have a tiny bit of real food.

She's had lovely visits with Deb, Sean and Chris - lots of laughing (she sure has maintained her quick wit!!) and chatting. And great to be able to celebrate Chris' birthday here.  And she's really looking forward to see Lucille on Tuesday.

We haven't (obviously) been pushing for a specific timeline for our escape but we are in the midst of our 8th week and so we think this week we'll start the process of asking about stuff we need to know about for when we are home (goodness way tooo many prepositions in that sentence!) Linda's right hand is still trembly and the speech articulation continues to be garbled often - time for the rehab to be organized and started.

Happy Hallowe'en from your Spooks in Calgary!!!  I'm off to buy some treats for the Unit staff and a hat for Linda!

Friday, October 29, 2010

102 #11

So there is NO blockage - so say the GI docs and Dr. Temple after reviewing the xrays and comparing them with last weekend's ct scan. And Linda has not had a single twinge of nausea since yesterday's Great Silver Vomit. So we're hoping that the stomach is starting to remember what it's in there for! Everything else seems to be in working order. Fluids only this weekend, then they'll try bits of food on Monday. What got Linda really excited today was a move - from the bed 4 position in the ward to the bed 3 position - beside the window with a view of the sky and some Rockies in the distance.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

102 #10

So the xray didn't happen yesterday, but today. Linda called it a 'comedy of errors' - with silvery fluid to drink, accompanying nausea, computer crashes. Preliminary reports say that there is some kind of obstruction/blockage showing up around the valve between the stomach and intestine (hmm, that would cause some nausea). We won't know all until tomorrow when the Docs have reviewed the xrays and we talk with them.  But the nurse and resident did say that it sounded like this was fixable. We are believing the nurse and resident. Surprisingly - not a whit of nausea this afternoon!! 

Deb, Sean and Chris come tomorrow - Linda's looking forward to seeing them.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

102 #9

Okay - good meeting with Dr. Temple this morning. He's wondering about the valve into her stomach - if it's too small and that could cause the nausea. So this afternoon, an x-ray of her stomach will be done and then the GI docs will look at it and if it is too small, it can be fixed with a scope and a balloon to gently enlarge the valve. At least there is a plan - I was despairing because it just seemed like - same old, same old - and that sure wasn't working. Feeling much better (me); Linda - a bit nauseated when I left but snoozy from the gravol. All other vitals are good and she was up and about this morning - we went to the Gift Shop (her first visit) and she bought a wee giftie for her Mom.

ICU #8

Linda is doing really well with her mobility - able to roll out of bed and get up quite easily.

Well today is going to be a track down docs and get answers day. Because of the nausea associated with the protein shakes, they stopped giving that injection thru her feeding tube a few days ago and hoped for a marked decrease in nausea, but the nausea has persisted -even with fluids that earlier didn't cause problems and having gone through all my notes, I'm wondering why they keep sticking to the same plan - introduce some clear fluids, then a bit of food, then watch her become extremely nauseated and throw up. Linda is getting a bit disheartened and just wanting to feel better. We're really missing the nurses and docs in ICU who were willing to answer every question we had - the last few days I've been feeling like I'm 'imposing' on these 10th floor people with my questions. Yes - I'm a bit annoyed.  More to come.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

102 #7

Food, glorious food!!!  Linda had tasty morsels yesterday at suppertime - 2 spoonfuls of pureed vegie soup and 1 spoon of applesauce. We're sure hoping this is the beginning of the stomach truly working - it sure has been taking its time deciding what will work in there and what won't. All of her supper stayed down and didn't make Linda feel very nauseated. In fact, we're only battling nausea now after those horrid contrast dyes or when she has her 'protein shake'  (in thru the gi tube) - thank goodness for anti-nausea meds. And is she ever doing well with her walking - gets out of bed without assistance and is usually waiting (sometimes a bit impatiently!) for me to undo and wrap up all the cords and tubes before we head off down the hall or to the bathroom. Still watching that pesky dehiscing gap in her incision but WBC count is good and hemoglobin too - another part of her body just taking its time to heal.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

102 #6

I will be soooo glad when they decide to stop with the contrast dyes and ct scans. The difference between yesterday (as I write, I am erasing it from my mind) and today was just amazing - Linda was strong and active and brave and funny today - pushing herself some to walk just a bit farther. Boy, she wants to be well and back in Vernon and looking out her own windows! Lucille has made plans to come/fly in for a few days at the beginning of November - Linda was very pleased to hear this- she misses her Mom. How kind many of you have been to keep in touch with Lucille - big hugs to Sheila and Gladys for your help!!!!  Off now for my evening visit - have a good sleep, each of you!

102 #5

Quite a busy week-end with lots of visitors. Great to see Laurie and Brodie and Kim and Lynne and Cath. Unfortunately not as much visiting yesterday as we'd hoped - bit of trouble with those pesky incision stitches so a ct scan was ordered yesterday and of course the wretched contrast dye causes Linda horrid nausea. BUT wasn't she perky this morning!! Walking (without the walker!) to the bathroom, wanting to go for a coffee (in her wheel chair), and having a wonderful visit with Bob and Jennifer.

Friday, October 22, 2010

102 #4

A busy day - Linda had lots of visitors. Cath and Lynne came for a visit this afternoon and then Kim came and had 2 visits - great to see Linda chuckling at all their shenanigans. We all went down to the deli in the hospital for a 'coffee' (Linda's suggestions) - she's really enjoying getting out and about in her wheel chair. Sure tires her out though. She had her trach tube removed today and has a sterile patch over the wee hole - docs say it will heal without stitches (wow). The physio was by today too and 'suggested' to Linda that she will go home sooner if she is walking a lot every day. But I think we'll go slowly - she did walk (with the walker) to the bathroom for her spa treatment this morning. Tomorrow we'll get her up a couple of times. Dr. Temple came by this morning - in a pumpkin hat - and didn't Linda's eyes light up at that sight! He's pleased with how's she's doing!

I went to Kooza (cirque de soleil) this afternoon with Tracy and Leigh - what a pick-me-up that was - thoroughly exciting and enjoyable!! And I got some stocking stuffers, too!!

102 #3

So all the sutures are gone from her belly and they sewed up  - 6 stitches - a small part of the incision that was 'dehissing' (not wanting to come together and that's your medical terminology lesson for this morning) so she was feeling a bit sore yesterday and did request some pain killers. They also increased the feed tube amount and all went down just fine. And she had clear fluids - juice, popsicle, gingerale - but, oh my goodness, does she want to eat - asks me every day what I had for breakfast, lunch and dinner and then we plan what we'll eat when we get home. She's very accepting of the notion that it will probably be months before she'll be able to 'chow down with gusto' - but she's sure missing the feeling and mushing of texture and flavour in her mouth. And yesterday she walked (with a walker) from her bed to the bathroom for her bath and we went downstairs in the wheelchair and peered outside. Kim comes this weekend, and Laurie and Brodie; Lynne and Cath will also make an appearance. This morning the trach tube comes out - and then there's only 3 tubes remaining.

Have a great weekend!  I'm sure that there are 'burning ears' out there  - we talk about Linda's 'peeps' a lot and wonder where Judi and Peter are and what Liz might be cooking and how incredible that many people have offered to fly here and drive the truck home so that we can fly and get her home quickly and how were parent-teacher interviews (what lovely fleurs!!!).

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

102 #2

Lots happening today - of course, whole new set of people, new 'rules' (I have to ask permission to get wash clothes!), and many reassurances to the nurses that I won't faint or throw up while watching them change Linda's dressings. So she had a good night - slept well, much less nausea and they did start her feed tube again, slowly increasing the amounts. AND I took her outside in a wheelchair for her first smell of fall air (lovely day here - 17 and sunny). I brought the pooches up to the hospital and brought Coady first to see Linda and damn it all, she was a bit stand-offish - we're wondering if she didn't recognize her 'smell' and of course, there are the tubes coming out of Linda's nose - well, we'll try again tomorrow. Then I brought Chicklet over and she gave Linda kisses on her cheek and wiggled her little bum - that was good!! When I left this afternoon, they were getting ready to take out her plastic sutures and had given Linda some Fentanol (sp) to make her dozy. Going back up soon to meet Lynne G. and we'll have a visit with Linda.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

102 #1

What a day! Yes, Linda has moved to the surgical oncology (unit 102) ward. She's in a high observation ward for a couple of days - 2 nurses for 4 patients, then will go to her very own room. The blue dye didn't show up anywhere so there's no leaks in there - good!! Still experiencing some nausea but they're wondering if it could have to do with some small pockets of fluid in the abdomen so they drained them today - and we'll wait and see. The really exciting thing that happened today was they changed her trach to a one that can be capped so she is TALKING!!!!! Sometimes a bit garbled but what a treat to have a real conversation and hear her voice. We called Lucille and all three of us had a good cry on the phone - we were so happy and excited. It was weirdly sad to leave ICU - kind of felt like we were leaving home.

ICU #54

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday - I'm blaming it on the Calgary Municipal election and the fire 3 doors down from Tracy's. Anyway, Linda's nausea continued to increase and so the docs pulled her feeding tube yesterday morning and upped the meds to include Gravol. They wondered about a leakage somewhere in the gi tract but the ct scan didn't show anything. So then they inserted the feeding tube back into the gullet and added plain old blue dye to her feed and will watch to see if any of the 3 drains remaining take on a blue tinge. Completely and utterly off the ventilator - in fact the machine has disappeared from her room!! Still in ICU - but just waiting for a bed to come open in the surgical oncology ward - they're saying today or tomorrow. Finally got to see her walking yesterday - even took a photo which I'll try to post but remember I'm not the techno whiz in the family.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

ICU #53

Well - she's making them work for their money! Still having lots of nausea so she's off the wee bits of real food she was getting. They're doing another ct scan this afternoon to check out what might be causing the nausea. Her liver enzymes are up a bit - verging on hepititis so they've taken her off the anti-fungal meds she was on - they evidently play havoc with the liver. It's such a balancing act getting the body's various systems to play fairly! Even with all that, she was up again today walking and (silently) cheering during the first half of the Cal/Sask football game when Sask was winning.

Lovely to see Arlene Lazecki yesterday - she was here for her goddaughter's volleyball tournament and popped in for a wee visit - she made Linda laugh!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

ICU #52

Quite the day! She was walking with support in the hallway this afternoon. They replaced her trach tube and her first words were 'New car?' (in response to the possibility of Kim driving here next weekend). And she had a spoonful of mashed potatoes with turkey gravy for supper.

ICU #51

Well, it may have been snowy and overcast outside but it sure felt like sunshine in Room 3 in ICU this morning. On Rounds - after reviewing her charts, the docs were talking about why would they keep Linda in ICU any longer. There are only minor difficulties (and they're on top of these) and she has been trach cradling with ease since Wednesday morning. Final decision - keep her over the weekend - mainly because weekend transfers can be tricky because of staff shortages.  WHEW!!!! They're also talking about changing the trach to a smaller size which will facilitate some dulcet words/tones issuing forth from her mouth! Dr. Temple has said 3 - 4 weeks upstairs in 102 (the surgical oncology unit) and then it's HOME,  Baby. We are both sooo looking forward to this countdown. Now that we are truly on the edge of the woods, there are some things I can write that will help you understand her status as resident miracle in the ICU. Beginning on that Wednesday (goodness, a month ago), they gave her a 5% chance of survival - 3 days running - of course, we couldn't believe that. And they were pessimistic about saving her stomach after the tear appeared. And they were forthright about the probability of brain damage - yes, there have been some interesting missing pieces - clocks, baseball game rules - but each memory loss has righted itself with time. And it's amazing what has come through in tact - no change whatsoever in her sense of humour or in her will to live.

ICU #50

It is snowing in Calgary.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

ICU #49

I was talking to Dr. Temple's resident tonight when I was leaving the hospital and we both agreed that it is almost comforting to be dealing such minor difficulties now. Linda had another tube inserted today - lower right abdomen because of a small abcess, but the tube went in smoothly and started draining away the yucky stuff immediately. I can tell she's getting better by where she is on the Rounds list each morning. A couple of weeks ago, she was always in the top 2, now she's in the bottom 2 to be visited. No physio today - Steph was run off her feet with new patients. Our Armstrong doc even made some noises this afternoon about Linda leaving ICU - she's been off the ventilator since yesterday morning (in fact, the ventilator is turned off!!!) and doing great. Usually they want to see the patient breathing on their own for 48+ hours and we're coming up to that very soon. So maybe this weekend we'll be saying farewell to ICU and the thought of that gave us pause - we have been so fortunate to have these wonderful docs and nurses and RTs and PTs taking care of her and, of course, because of the person she is, many have grown to care for her and stop by just to say Hi or You're looking great (or ask for our email cause they're returning to England). And while we were 'talking' about people we've met here, Kim (the unit clerk) came over with a cell phone, saying there was a call from Saskatoon and it was Tina Allmightyvoice, calling to wish her well and that brought tears to our eyes because it reminded us that we are so blessed to have family and friends who have stood by us throughout the past 6 months, just loving and caring for us. We will never be able to thank you all enough for what you've given us.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ICU #48

Well I got to wash Linda's hair today with the coolest thing - a shower cap (with shampoo and conditioner right in it)  that you pop on her head and then massage all over and then whip it off, towel dry, and she has clean hair. I thought it was quite the invention. I think they're starting to train me for when she goes upstairs. So they've found another pocket of fluids on the other side of her chest so tomorrow another tube goes in to drain it. Dr. Temple (he of the magic hands who got rid of the c.) said a few people do develop these pockets - just the body's way of dealing with all the fluid that's still in there. The infections seem to be under control - her WBC has not gone up - good news!! Steph had her up and about today - more walking and she's talking about getting a tall walker for Linda so she can go farther afield. She's slowly getting stronger. Wonderful visit from Stew and Eleanor this afternoon - both said Linda was looking great (and she truly is - good colour, bright eyes) - and Linda was thrilled to see them.

Yes she had her chicken broth!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ICU #47

So the ct scan showed some fluid in the peritoneal cavity but no abcesses (sp?) which is very good. They've put her on antibiotics for whatever is in there (they told me but I think the medical terminology part of my brain is near capacity!). She had a busy afternoon - what with the scan (always seems to really tire her out plus she has to lay on that hard board) and physio - Steph said that she was up and even MOVING a few steps - all the movement will help with the drainage and settling of the insides. And she was on the trach cradle all day - so she's coming along.

ICU #46

The pleural cavity is still (gently) draining and Linda is taking deep breaths - side still a bit sore but she's being brave! This morning they moved her into one of the isolation rooms (really quite nice, roomier, with real walls that keep out all the noise) because the belly is showing signs of infection (but as I said to her - sweetie, you're in a hospital and what did everyone tell us goes along with hospitals?  *infections*). I get to wear a very stylish yellow gown when I'm in there. Anyway they're doing a ct scan this afternoon to check it out and, no doubt, they'll fix this too. White blood cell count is up a bit but nowhere near its all-time high from a couple of weeks ago. Dr. Temple was in this am and authorized the removal of some of her incision stitches - another step forward. And her only request for today - homemade chicken broth. She is not impressed with the hospital broth - so I'll be cooking tonight!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

ICU #45

I was hoping for another photo opportunity today but it didn't happen. The x-ray and ultrasound yesterday showed quite a large accumulation of fluid around the left lung so the docs inserted a small tube into the area this afternoon and drained about a litre of clear fluid. No wonder she was having trouble taking deep breaths!! We're hoping this will speed up the ventilator weaning process. But she sure was tired and sore after all that and disappointed she had missed her physio session. She'd been promised that she could go outside today and I'd brought the pooches up in the car just in case she got out there. Maybe tomorrow... She also seems to have a wee infection brewing in the belly (some days I think - will this never end?!# - just let me take her home!!!) but the docs are on top of it.  Only had to get ginger ale, a headphone extension cord and lithium batteries for her today - hmmm the requests are slowing down.

Lucille left this morning with Lynne and Cath; tough to see her drive away after all we've held hands through but I know it's important for her to go back to her new life. Hope she wins ALL the bridge hands and bowls at least 250!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

ICU #44

Yes - that's our Linda (sitting up with the ubiquitous whiteboard) looking for folks to help her escape!!  And yes - she's purposefully looking scared! It was surprisingly easy to get this photo on - maybe we'll post more - first steps...first real food...

So - they've found some more fluid in the pleural cavity and they're wondering if this is causing some kind of pressure on the lungs and hindering the ventilator weaning process. Doing an x-ray and ultrasound this afternoon and from the results, will decide if they need to insert a tube into the cavity to drain the fluid.

Lucille and I are going to Lynne's daughter's (Jen) for Thanksgiving dinner - yum!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

ICU #43

Well - Linda discovered today that her gi system is not quite ready for cherry jello - sure didn't agree with her; she's still doing the apple juice though and they'll try again tomorrow with another popsicle - love the beer popsicle idea - maybe a new summer treat!!  Lots of physio today - sitting and standing again and rocking on her feet; tomorrow they're talking about taking some steps - yippee!! Still not trach cradling all day BUT a very smart young RT figured out that the device on Linda's finger that should be measuring her oxygen level wasn't working right - showing higher reading than was true - so of course she was tiring easily  - and they started to pump a bit more oxygen into her and didn't she perk up (hmmm - kind of like those casinos in Las Vegas). So they'll try for longer tomorrow on the trach cradle.

Two wonderful visits with Lynne and Cath today - know she was happy to hear different voices and hear different stories and see our dear friends. And they delivered TONS of mail which we're slowly going through - our favourite so far - (from Carter) - if you can boss a school, you can boss cancer. She's got it hanging up in her room and has shown the card to all who venture in.

Friday, October 8, 2010

ICU #42

Another great day in ICU!! The Physio, Steph, had Linda sitting up and then (because the girdle came back fixed) had her standing up twice!! Linda said it felt weird and Jill (nurse) said that wasn't surprising as she had been on her back for a month and the remaining organs in her gut needed to settle. And she also got some taste treats - half an orange popsicle and some diluted apple juice - she almost groaned with pleasure at the apple juice! Stayed on the trach cradle until 2:30 in the morning, then came off until 8 and was back on for the most of the day. As the new ICU doc (who's from Armstrong) said - this is not a race and Linda's body will take whatever time it needs to recuperate. Lots of work today with the RT on her lungs - trying to get the lower lobes inflated - she worked hard and was tired after. Only 1 request for her 'slaves' - headphones for the TV.

Linda's looking forward to seeing Lynne and Cath this weekend and Chris (nephew) maybe next weekend.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

ICU #41

Lucille and I had a busy day today - Linda (we're calling her the Princess - some in ICU agree with us!) decided she wanted a small TV for her bedside - so off we went to Walmart and found one - then back to the hospital and I hooked it up and got it going - much to Linda's surprise. She also wanted a white board and dry erase markers so we had to get those too. That has turned out to be great exercise for her right hand and she's not so frustrated with trying to get Lucille and me to understand what she's telling us. Quite perky tonight!! Joking with the nurses (on the white board) that she'd sooner have beer than water in her glass. They are letting her drink water - another step forward. And she was sitting up again today. Her binder has gone back to OT for some adjustments and when it's back - Steph (PT) will get her standing up!!  Tonight she's on the trach tube overnight - that will make a 24 hour stint. She has developed a small infection around the trach tube so they exchanged the tube and cleaned all around really well and they've put her on antibiotics again. Wonderful to see her so communicative - even though she can't talk, she still can make folks laugh.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ICU #40

Well Lucille and I are moved - amazing how much we managed to accumulate in a month!! Guess we're both pack rats!

Linda continues to improve - her feeding tube is working well and they've increased the amount going in without her experiencing nausea. They've also clamped the stomach drainage tube so that means the stomach enzymes are going through the gi tract without problems - lots of systems to get kick-started! Her binder (like a girdle) came yesterday and they got her sitting up with legs dangling - first step in getting her mobile. The only problem has been her lack of sleep - her schedule seems to be out of sync - so she's been awake at night and sleeping during the day and the team wants the opposite so yesterday we kept her awake. The lack of sleep has affected her time on the trach cradle - so hopefully today (after a good night's sleep) she'll be back on the cradle for the full 12 - 18 hours. (Hope that all made sense!)

Off to see the medical wonder - more later.

Monday, October 4, 2010

ICU #39

Good morning - sorry about no  posts yesterday - had trouble getting service at the campground.

When we left last night about 10, Linda was still on the trach cradle (14 hours) and they were considering leaving her on it all night (update - yes she was on the cradle for a full 24 hours - pretty tired this morning - Tues.) - quite the feat for the medical wonder. She really wants out of ICU - not because of any disgruntlement with her care, more because it's noisy and busy and I know that she'll feel like she's   really making progress when she moves to the 102 unit upstairs. Dr. Temple was in this am and is not concerned about the discharge coming from her lower incision - thinks it's left-over blood from the bleed-out and other fluids. Cultures are still showing no infection. We're waiting on a binder - kind of like a girdle - from OT so they can start sitting her up - first step in getting her mobile - it will be a slow process after almost a month on her back. She was fiddling with her ipod this morning - right hand is working better!

Great visit with Deb and Sean - Linda had big smiles when she saw them!!

Lucille and I are in the process of packing up the RV - we're moving to Tracy's on Wednesday. They turned the water off here at the campground (#**?!) and Tracy has encouraged us to come early to her home - yes we are lucky!!!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

ICU #38 (wonder how high we'll go?)

So a bit of a problem overnight - some vomiting - definitely not a good thing and they were wondering if there was some obstruction in the intestines (the feeding tube went thru the stomach and duodenum and into the intestine) - but an x-ray of the intestine showed no blockages (Hurray!!). They removed the feeding tube for the morning - until her nausea had subsided - and mid afternoon started again but less going in - maybe it was too much, too soon (?). She had a lovely long snooze this afternoon and woke up quite perky. Still some bleeding from the lower incision but it's clotting and that (so they tell me) is good. The great news is that Linda continues to bounce back quickly with each small problem and that's what we want to see. Has been on the trach cradle since 8 this am and shows no signs of stress - excellent!! All vital signs are stable and kidneys continue to do their job.

Lynne G. mentioned on the phone this am that some folks may be coming through Calgary next weekend and would like to see Linda. I talked with her about this and she is leaning toward seeing people but won't completely make up her mind until during the week - all depends on how she is feeling. So if you're passing through, give me a call - 250 307 4586 - and I'll let you know. The ICU is kind of particular about people only visiting if accompanied by Lucille or me - rules about family only - that's what we've been told.

We're off to pick up Sean and Deb soon - Linda's looking forward to seeing her much older sister!

Friday, October 1, 2010

ICU #37

Sooo - 10 hours on the trach cradle today! And more hours tomorrow!! Still having a bit of bleeding from the lower incision but gradually lessening. She had some of the staples removed from the thoracic incision and the rest will be removed tomorrow. This morning, George (last week's ICU doc) came with Dr. Viner (this week's) to do the handover and summary of the case - he started with - "And this is our medical wonder." She has quite the reputation! A TV was wheeled in this afternoon and she got to watch some of the Ryder Cup.

Lucille and I had a wee tour with Tracy this afternoon of her favourite food haunts in Calgary - many places to return to!!