Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Test Run

Welcome to our experiment! Please be patient with us as we wend our way through blog construction. We hope that this will become our method of information dissemination while we are in Calgary.


  1. Sure looking forward to spending some time with you when you head east and I head west and we meet up in Calgary!

  2. Hi Linda and Lorraine...I am so glad you have done this so i can know everything without me bugging you...I miss both of you and hope to see you before you go...I always think about you both and laughed to read the difference of opinon in the discription of the TRAILER PARK...Lorraine you always have nice ways of puting things...I problably would have described it like Linda hahaha...My positive thoughts are always coming your way Love kate

  3. Hi L2 I got in - thanks for inviting me. Now I just have to remember the password for this one.

    The trailer sounds "interesting" does it have a heater?? Knowing Calgary weather you may need one.

    This will be a good way to keep in touch. As always, You are the Head Learner - leading the way in helping me learn more about technology.

