Thursday, February 17, 2011

Home 7

Well, I guess I've fallen down on the job...thought I'd be writing a couple of times a week but it just hasn't happened. We've started getting out more and, inevitably, we run into someone Linda knows. Everyone is very surprised at her appearance because of the weight loss and some folks haven't recognized her. An interesting experience. The food is starting to go down easier now with much less nausea, although her beloved beef can be problematic. Much to her chagrin, fish has been easily digested!! We got some new water from Devine Vintners which is alkaline based and supposed to help with digestion - we'll let you know. And we've started some exercise - more walking when we're out, trying not to use the wheel chair at all. I'm still hoping we can walk the pooches together soon. We're still fiddling with her INR which is high but we know it can take a while to balance the amount of coumadin needed for the correct 'score'. She will be very happy when she's not being poked with needles anymore.


  1. Hey there mountain mamas, so happy to hear that the both of you are out and about walking without the wheelchair way to go Linda! Belated birthday wishes Lorraine I am sorry I wasn't on the ball - HB to you Linda on Saturday. Hope the day is warm and wonderful with minimal or no needle pokes. And perhaps the beloved beef will come with time... I'm with you with the fish BLICK I say BLICK.

    Lorraine thanks for the updates I check them regularily and always look forward to hearing how things are going.... so please please please continue :)

    Love to all of you...Laurie

  2. HELLO again! Nice to hear from you as all updates are appreciated. And all news is good news. Saying 'blick' to fish? Time to fire up the bbq and do up a salmon! Cheers to you both, and keep on truckin'. love always.

  3. Happy Birthday to both of you! So happy to have you back blogging Lorraine and it's good to know you are getting out. We look forward to having a visit with both of you when you are up to dealing with a couple of Irish/Italian crazies. Sure hope Saturday is a great day for you Linda. Big hugs to you two and the pooches. Love Ren and Den

  4. Happy Birthday Linda! Sure hope you have something special in mind for the day, as you're in my thoughts. hugs L3!

  5. My thoughts are always with the two of you! What a great posting, Lorraine. Big hug to you both!

  6. Ok, we have to share a few favourite fish recipes as we have some good ones (I hear a groan from the corner!) that may help.
    Hope you got out today to enjoy some sunshine.
