Wednesday, May 18, 2011

All is Well!

Hi All,

This will be our last post for awhile. Things are going well with the chemo and my strength is slowly returning.  I may even attempt to hit a golf ball or two on the range next week!

Lorraine and I are traveling to Saskatoon in a couple of weeks to visit friends and attend a few retirement celebrations for former colleagues.  It will be good to visit our old stomping grounds.  We also look forward to spending a few days on Salt Spring Island in mid July visiting with Lorraine's grandchildren and family.

As far as returning to work - my doctors have recommended that  I wait until after Christmas to begin my gradual return to school.  I am anxious to get back into the swing of things with school, but I also know going back too soon could prove to be problematic.  So, I will take their sage advice.

Thanks again to all of our friends and family for your unending support and love when we needed it the most.  It made an incredible difference to us.

If there are any changes we will start up the blog again, but for now the future looks bright and we look forward to every day - even the rainy ones!

Take care,



  1. Happy to hear how well you are. LOL

  2. All good, and I'm happy to hear. But that loving support doesn't end. Always thinking about you. HEY! Wanna come out for MY retirement? Sure hoping to see you sometime this summer... but then after the end of June, my whole LIFE will be like summer :) Hugs to you both from both of us.

  3. thinking of you often. especially as we get ready to head back to school in a few short hours. take care!

  4. Its 4 years since you wrote your last post and I'm sitting here reflecting on how much happiness and health has happened since 2010/2011. Yes, miracles DO happen :) We are blessed and you are both loved!
