Saturday, November 20, 2010

102 #1b

Hello from frozen Calgary! Must admit I was surprised to hear about snow in Vernon yesterday - it had been lovely to think that 'home' was snow-free and balmy as I drove along these icy roads - hhmmm....have to revise the vision of home now. Linda continues to get stronger (again) - walking, starting to eat, very alert. She is sleeping lots which is good. Yesterday was a bit of a 'down' day for me - one of the nurses suggested that I was having a 'trauma hangover' - so I slept, wept, and whined. This morning (after a full night's sleep - thank god for sleeping pills) I'm feeling much better. Just have to keep reminding myself that we are coming home soon. I got Linda a green cordoroy top to wear tomorrow for the BIG GAME.


  1. GOOD morning to you both! Not surprised to hear about the 'hangover' Lorraine... just a little surprised it didn't happen sooner! Take good care of yourself. Linda, you continue to be the trooper we know you are. Yeah, as a wimpy BC-er now, hate to use the word "cold" :) but we got snow here too! The nice thought is that it won't last for long. We'll be watching the BIG GAME tomorrow too... go green! love to you both, with 'warm thoughts' :)

  2. I share Patti's amazement that you did not have the hangover sooner, you are such a strong women. I know this probably goes without saying, but I sure hope you feel the love through all these posts. You are both such dear and special women and we are all lined up to give a real hug instead of just a virtual one... :)

  3. It must be very hard to know you were so close to coming home. So happy to hear that you were in the right place and the right time to deal with the latest challenge. All these bumps in the road are going to be dealt with and your homecoming will be with confidence! Thinking of you - send my love to Linda please.

  4. Hang in there Lorraine, sending warm loving energy and hugsmar

  5. So good to read your news today! Both of you seem so much better. You need to have down time too Lorraine and I'm glad to see that you rested. Enjoy wearing the green tomorrow! Hugs to everyone from snowy Vernon.

  6. Well Lorraine I just want to tell you that Jim was painting the hallway and Chiccolate got grey paint on her!Coadie just missed getting paint on her but really how can you tell! Glad to hear Linda is improving and I hope you continue to sleep well. Love you Liz and Jim

  7. Hi Lorraine & Linda, so happy to hear things are improving!! I thought of what Linda would say at school when the wimps were whining about the chilly -7 weather (something about Sask.?)...I hope Linda enjoys THEGAME in her new green top...
    Love to you both XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO Pat

  8. Glad to hear that Linda is feeling better and that you had some time to just feel. Putting it away would not have been good at some point.
    Yes, we are in snowy Vernon with no time to acclimatize to colder temperatures. This is what Albertans get all the time my sister tells me. Just keep thinking about how beautiful the snow will truly look once you are home again. Hope you have photos of the dogs, sounds like they may be different colours by the time you see them :)

  9. Thinking of you lots, Lorraine, with lots of giant warm hugs. My favourite words, "give yourself permission" to let the feelings out when you need to, to scream or to cry. It's all good! The snow and cold here is challenging, and very sudden, but really nothing compared to Alberta. It may still seem balmy when you get here!
    Love to you both, (and you know Jan K. would say the same thing--if her darn computer would just work!)

  10. Hugging you both from Saskatchewan! I have a feeling this is going to be a week of strong strides forward. Kick, scream, laugh, hug, cry . . . let happen whatever needs to happen, Linda and Lorraine . . . and that will open up the space needed for a sense of determination to take the lead!

    Sounds like a sea of green across western Canada is pulling for the Riders today. Good stuff! Cheer long and loud!

    Hugs to you both . . .
