Tuesday, November 9, 2010

102 #20

Quite the day! The nurse removed the PICC line and the JP drain this morning without incident. Then, Linda got a day pass and didn't we drive out of the hospital parking lot with our medical supplies and a wheelchair at 10:30! She was almost giddy with excitement. When we got to Tracy's house, both Coady and Chicklet were sniffing her and circling her and trying to jump up - we laughed out loud - because it was apparent that both of the pooches knew her. Coady sat on her lap for the longest time just nuzzling her neck and giving her ear kisses. Then this afternoon, we all (L2 & C2) had a nap - can't tell you how wonderful that was - like we were all breathing easier. Anyway we stayed out a bit too late, but didn't get in trouble. Linda was looking pretty tired once we got her tucked into bed and I'm sure she'll have a great sleep tonight.


  1. ahhh sounds wonderful, thanx for sharing. hugsmar

  2. What a great day! Tell ya how much you've been on my mind... last nite I had a dream about good ol Pleasant Hill! It featured the two of you and, strangely, Tina Almightyvoice!!! Remember her? All thoughts and memories were good, and Linda was at the helm! Then waking up to this news kicked off another good day. Warm hugs to you both and looking forward to hearing about the 'pass' right outta there :)

  3. wow this all sounds so wonderfull
    what a long way you have come
    congrats to you both

  4. What a marvelous day! I'm kinda lost for words and am just imagining the four of you all cuddled up having a snooze - all smiling to yourselves! You're so close to going home. What a sense of happiness!

  5. What a beautiful day! Look forward to having you back in Vernon. Hugs to all 3 L's and Tracy.

  6. what a great blog! Can just see you escaping from the hospital and I can hear the dogs barking with happiness to have their family together! So glad to hear this day has finally come. Jim and Liz

  7. Just awesome, awesome news!!! Can't WAIT to see you guys back here again - Vernon has missed you. The Ellison community is so excited to think that you're really coming home and they all send their love and best wishes. xoxoxoxoxox

  8. Great news. Glad this step of the journey is almost over. Rest, rest, rest! those pooches will be insatiable for attention when they realize they really have their family back together again.
    While I look forward to seeing you all, we will stay well away for at least a week so that you all have a chance to rest and to acclimatize to the new demands of the next step in the journey. You will be closer and that is good. Love to all.

  9. Lorraine, that sounds fantastic, what a huge step!
    We got snow tonight at our elevation, --you'll be home soon to hibernate, to heal and get better, I can feel it.
