Sunday, November 14, 2010

Transition #3

We had a quiet day - Linda on the couch watching football (didn't that game go on forever?), me packing up (amazing how much has been accumulated). When Cath gets back from visiting with Chris and Caroline and the boys tonight, we'll load up the truck - Cath's hoping for a very early start - around 5 am. There's a chance we might all arrive in Vernon tomorrow around the same time. We can't say enough 'Thank You's' to Cath for her kindness for doing this for us. And we will be forever grateful to Tracy for opening her home to us. Goodness, we're a lucky pair!


  1. Was away, so missed all the news! AWESOME news about the hospital release. Am looking forward to seeing you both! WELCOME HOME!

  2. Won't be long now. Great friends for a great pair of friends ;) Look forward to hearing from you again... in your own digs!
