Wednesday, October 20, 2010

102 #2

Lots happening today - of course, whole new set of people, new 'rules' (I have to ask permission to get wash clothes!), and many reassurances to the nurses that I won't faint or throw up while watching them change Linda's dressings. So she had a good night - slept well, much less nausea and they did start her feed tube again, slowly increasing the amounts. AND I took her outside in a wheelchair for her first smell of fall air (lovely day here - 17 and sunny). I brought the pooches up to the hospital and brought Coady first to see Linda and damn it all, she was a bit stand-offish - we're wondering if she didn't recognize her 'smell' and of course, there are the tubes coming out of Linda's nose - well, we'll try again tomorrow. Then I brought Chicklet over and she gave Linda kisses on her cheek and wiggled her little bum - that was good!! When I left this afternoon, they were getting ready to take out her plastic sutures and had given Linda some Fentanol (sp) to make her dozy. Going back up soon to meet Lynne G. and we'll have a visit with Linda.


  1. So glad to know that Linda is out of ICU. What a day it must have been for both of you to be able to converse vocally! I had to chuckle about Coady. Dogs are so funny, kind of like humans. Enjoy the wonderful Fall air. Gosh you made my day! Hugs to the 2L's.

  2. Wonderful news that Linda could get outside and enjoy some of the Fall weather. Glad for the doggy visits, nothing can cheer you up like (wo)man's best friend :) Hugs!

  3. You made my week with this update, Lorraine! I can just picture Coady with her head cocked quizzically to one side . . .and Chicklet with her little bum just a shaking! I'll bet that fresh fall air tasted as good as - or better than - a beer to Linda. What a day!!! Biggest hug ever heading your way . . . . .

  4. What a wonderful end to my day!
    Sunshine, dogs and talking! I can just see the standoffish stance, and the other wagging tail. They are so expressive.
    I know you will convince the nursing staff that you are safe to share wash cloths with over time. Always a new group to get to know on a ward. I don't imagine it will take long!
    Lovely news to hear as I sip my wine after parent/teacher interviews. Love to you both.

  5. Super news today Lorraine! So glad to hear that Linda is talking and that she got outside on such a beautiful day!
    Hugs and love to you both.

  6. So happy to hear you are onto the next step of the road to recovery. I bet both of you are really looking forward to having a room of your own. Wonderful to hear that Linda is able to talk again.

  7. So glad the rollercoaster may be cresting after the steepness of the uphill climb. So much to be thankful for. Thinking of you two.

  8. I bet Chicklet & Coady will know where you're going next time you drive to the hospital.... they'll be saying " where is our LINDA....I want more pats & kisses" ...pets are sooooo healing with all their un-conditional loving !!!! Have a super visit with Cath & Lynne this weekend.
    Love & BIG hugs to you both XOXOXOXOXO

  9. Wow, great strides, it all sounds wonderful.
    thanks for sharing
