Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ICU #54

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday - I'm blaming it on the Calgary Municipal election and the fire 3 doors down from Tracy's. Anyway, Linda's nausea continued to increase and so the docs pulled her feeding tube yesterday morning and upped the meds to include Gravol. They wondered about a leakage somewhere in the gi tract but the ct scan didn't show anything. So then they inserted the feeding tube back into the gullet and added plain old blue dye to her feed and will watch to see if any of the 3 drains remaining take on a blue tinge. Completely and utterly off the ventilator - in fact the machine has disappeared from her room!! Still in ICU - but just waiting for a bed to come open in the surgical oncology ward - they're saying today or tomorrow. Finally got to see her walking yesterday - even took a photo which I'll try to post but remember I'm not the techno whiz in the family.


  1. Verra Nice to hear Linda's up and walking, and no respirator!!!

  2. Great to hear that the ventilator has disappeared, Lorraine, and that Linda continues to go for wee walks each day. Still moving forward . . . and some of these are some pretty darned big steps! Hugs to you both . . .

  3. Well, I think that Calgary's election was pretty wild for Calgary! And a fire 3 doors away would be pretty nerve-wracking. Glad to hear they are still getting ready to send L up to surgical oncology. Will there be a parade with balloons? It feels like a big step. I hope the nausea subsides. And so good to hear that the respirator is gone. Small steps, big steps. Thanks Lorraine for being so good about sharing part of your journey.

  4. Great news to hear Linda off the ventilator and up and about. Now that she is up and walking better watch her... she'll be organizing walker races in the hall:) Hoping to witness those "races" first hand this weekend.
    Love to both.

  5. Wow! That is great news. Up walking and talking, quite a lady. Do tell Linda that Ryan S and Kalim I are pretty happy to hear that Ms.Graves is getting better and still has her sense of humor. Lots of people sending good thoughts to you both. Those kids just love their Ms.Graves :)
