Saturday, October 9, 2010

ICU #43

Well - Linda discovered today that her gi system is not quite ready for cherry jello - sure didn't agree with her; she's still doing the apple juice though and they'll try again tomorrow with another popsicle - love the beer popsicle idea - maybe a new summer treat!!  Lots of physio today - sitting and standing again and rocking on her feet; tomorrow they're talking about taking some steps - yippee!! Still not trach cradling all day BUT a very smart young RT figured out that the device on Linda's finger that should be measuring her oxygen level wasn't working right - showing higher reading than was true - so of course she was tiring easily  - and they started to pump a bit more oxygen into her and didn't she perk up (hmmm - kind of like those casinos in Las Vegas). So they'll try for longer tomorrow on the trach cradle.

Two wonderful visits with Lynne and Cath today - know she was happy to hear different voices and hear different stories and see our dear friends. And they delivered TONS of mail which we're slowly going through - our favourite so far - (from Carter) - if you can boss a school, you can boss cancer. She's got it hanging up in her room and has shown the card to all who venture in.


  1. Carter sounds like a very wise young man! Good for the increased oxygen. maybe you SHOULD install a one-armed bandit ;) always in our thoughts, cheers L3

  2. Happy thanksgiving 2 you all...We miss you and loving all the great positive updates..You go gurl...We know you can be bossy(thanks Carter) so keep up the good work..Love ya lots kate and Lindsay

  3. Beer popsicles sound way better than cherry jello!!! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you....there truly is lots to be thankful for

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to all . . . I simply adore Carter. His attitude and common sense are terrific . . . "Be the boss of the cancer" I love it!

    Each day is bringing such strong messages of wellness, Lorraine. I get a little weepy when I think about how far you've all traveled on this journey. Such willpower from everyone involved. We have SO much to be thankful for. Big hug . .

  5. Linda, Lorraine, Lucille,
    Know that you are all in my thoughts on this Thanksgiving. I know we all have lots to be thankful for but maybe for nothing more important than the love and support of family and friends. I think you should hold out for the beer popsicle Linda, sounds simply delicious!!

  6. I am glad that Linda loved Carter's comment, 'cause I used to tease her by referring to her as my "boss". I am thinking that beer popsicles are going to be up there on summer menus along with the gewurztraminer slushies.....remember those in Naramata. Somehow, after the wine slushies beer popsicles does not sound too odd.
    Many things to be thankful for indeed. Improving health and the love around us.
