Friday, October 22, 2010

102 #3

So all the sutures are gone from her belly and they sewed up  - 6 stitches - a small part of the incision that was 'dehissing' (not wanting to come together and that's your medical terminology lesson for this morning) so she was feeling a bit sore yesterday and did request some pain killers. They also increased the feed tube amount and all went down just fine. And she had clear fluids - juice, popsicle, gingerale - but, oh my goodness, does she want to eat - asks me every day what I had for breakfast, lunch and dinner and then we plan what we'll eat when we get home. She's very accepting of the notion that it will probably be months before she'll be able to 'chow down with gusto' - but she's sure missing the feeling and mushing of texture and flavour in her mouth. And yesterday she walked (with a walker) from her bed to the bathroom for her bath and we went downstairs in the wheelchair and peered outside. Kim comes this weekend, and Laurie and Brodie; Lynne and Cath will also make an appearance. This morning the trach tube comes out - and then there's only 3 tubes remaining.

Have a great weekend!  I'm sure that there are 'burning ears' out there  - we talk about Linda's 'peeps' a lot and wonder where Judi and Peter are and what Liz might be cooking and how incredible that many people have offered to fly here and drive the truck home so that we can fly and get her home quickly and how were parent-teacher interviews (what lovely fleurs!!!).


  1. I am making home made bread today and lemony lentil soup today Linda plus its friday night so pizza homemade yummy wish you two were here to chow down and play Euchre. Jim might even "let you win". Have fun with all your visitors Lizzy

  2. So glad to hear things are progressing in the right direction.
    lots of cooks on lindas friend list
    homemade dinner on me if you like when you get home

  3. It is so nice to hear you talking about the plans to come home. It has been a long road for both of you, and we all anticipate the 2L's arrival in Vernon. You will have to hold us back from creating a "circus" in your neighbourhood! Personally, I can't wait to hear Linda's voice, to share a laugh or two, and to give you both a hug!

  4. Super great news on a Friday "day-off" for me!!!Thought about you two as I Zoomba'd this morning thinking how wonderful it will be when you're both home!!! So many smiles at school hearing all the progress being made... YAHOO are still asking how's Ms. Graves? I love answering...just great !!!!!..I get hugs too (:

    Love to you both XOXOXOXO Pat & Jean Paul
