Friday, September 17, 2010

ICU #15

We're still hopeful. Some good signs - kidneys are producing (although creatine is higher than normal), lactaid (which I think indicates something to do with organ breakdown) has decreased to a nearly normal level, she is more active when Lucille and I are there talking to her (but still not awake because of sedation). Still not sure when they'll take her to OR but the secretions from the tube from her stomach now looks like bile rather than bloody and the longer they wait, the more chance that the inflammation will subside and maybe they can save it. Lucille and I are not taking calls right now - please understand that it's hard for us to talk now.


  1. You two hang tight! I know this is hard work. A warm comfy blanket coming your way to keep you safe. Lots and Lots of Love Liz and Gang

  2. Love and prayers ... We all understand that this has to be the hardest time and only wish we could help more...We are fighting here to send as much as we can of positive and encouragement to you all...We love youxoxoxoxox

  3. Lindy-Lou you fight girl! Love and healing energy coming your way! Lorraine and Lucille you hang in there as well. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you! Hugs to you all!

  4. Understand your difficulty talking to anyone.
    Just know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and if you need us you know we are here for you no matter what!Gale J.,Doreen W.,Micheline,
    Louise L.Marilyn S.,Marg and Carol all wanted to be remembered to you.This is so hard for all of you but you are doing such a great job..just hang in there.Love and hugs from Stew and me.

  5. We hear you, Lorraine! Just know we are here when you are ready to talk anytime night or day. Sending lots of hugs and love to both you and Lucille. We can only imagine how hard this must be. Please tell Linda how much we love her and pray for her!!!

  6. I love you. You're all on my mind. Reach out when ever you need to, Lorraine. I'm so glad Chris will be there with you to help bring strength to you, Lucille, and our Linda. Linda is fighting this! She's that kind of gal.
