Saturday, September 18, 2010

ICU #19

Still haven't talked to the surgeon but she's still holding her own. The Head RN says her numbers (heart, bp,output) are all good. She's still in the woods but every hour that passes with her vitals stable and no more complications is great.  More later.


  1. "All good" is the message I've been hoping we'd all hear, Lorraine. Vitals stable. No more complications. Good numbers. Good news. You are such a dear friend to find the energy to keep us all posted. Big hug

  2. Phew!!!!!
    Thanks Lorraine; I agree with comments from KIm above.
    Lots of positive thoughts and prayers from friends here. We are thinking about you all. Hugs and love.

  3. Thank-you God, and all the energies in the universe directed by your loved ones. One step done, let's keep on keepin' on.

  4. Thank you ......This is all good news and positive and loving thoughts are always heading your way ..Hugs and kisses all around

  5. Thank you for taking the time to keep people posted. I have been in constant prayer ...
    Hang in there. Love K

  6. This is such a wonderful blog to read each day. I have been praying for Linda and her family every day. Keep fighting Linda!!

  7. Both hands in the air and praying she's crested the hill!
