Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Linda's surgery is at 7:30 tomorrow morning; we have to be at the hospital at 6:00. Please be patient tomorrow waiting for information. Her surgery is 8 - 9 hours long and I hope to see her before I return to the RV park; so it may be evening before I can post. She's having cytoreductive surgery (removal of some organs, some re-sectioning of others and scraping the tumors off wherever) and then a chemo treatment called HIPEC (hypothermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) - the docs circulate heated chemo through her peritoneal cavity for about 90 minutes to kill any remaining cells. Then it's off to the ICU for a couple of days.

Thanks for all the love and good wishes sent our way - we feel cuddled by their warmth.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you guys - just want you to know we are all thinking about you back here at Ellison, and are thinking of you and praying for a super-successful surgery and recovery. The 'family' back here wish you well and want you to know that you are loved and missed. We'll be rootin' so hard for you tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you!
    (By the way if this thing calls me 'The Team' it's really just me - I set up the id a long time ago for a different function and don't know how to change it!! - but it's really me - Bob!)
