Saturday, September 18, 2010

ICU #17 (arrghh for the last title!)

Our Fighter (maybe a new license plate!) had a pretty good night - no trauma or crises. She's off to the OR at 8 this am. We'll keep you posted.


  1. Good Morning....mega positive healing powers coming over the Rockies today...

    Love to All

  2. Thanks so much for the great news! Also sending the healing energy! Hugs to All ... don't forget the pups!

  3. Thinking of you all with love and positive thoughts. Keep fighting Linda. Lorraine and Louise, God bless.

  4. Continually in my thoughts and sending love.

  5. We're all with you, L3! Push on . . . .

  6. a good night before OR this a.m., a wonderful positive. Thinking of the three of you and prayers for Linda.

  7. Good News Lorraine!! A fighter she is!!! We are thinking of all of you and sending our love!!!

    Cath and Lynne

  8. I can see it now FGHTR!! Linda has always been patient with taking things one step at a time. She sure is proving it now! Big, warm hugs to you all. You have been in my prayers!

  9. Baby steps are good...So happy to hear she had a good night.Hope you two are getting some rest too.
    FIGHT ON as they say.Good job.
