Saturday, September 11, 2010

ICU #5

The ICU team say that Linda is stable now - but we had a roller coaster scary day. Her heart rate became very elevated this morning and the team tried a variety of things to get it down but none worked consistently and they became worried about a heart attack. Then she started to struggle with her breathing - gasping for air even though she's still on a respirator and her oxygen levels were okay. Bloodwork came back showing that she had developed pancreatitus (inflammation of the pancreas - probably from the stripping). Then her temperature went up indicating infection. So they did a chest xray and found a small embolism in the lungs but not big enough to cause the problems. They then did a CT scan. They're sure that there is infection in her abdomen so have started antibiotics but they won't know what specific antibiotic to give until more bloodwork comes back (tomorrow or Monday) indicating the specific kind of infection we're dealing with. So she's sedated now, breathing easier, and her heart rate is slowly lowering. Thank you for all the love and care you've sent - make sure it keeps coming - I know she'll get better.


  1. Wow...You guys are go thru all of this and still have time to let us all know how linda is....Lots of love hugs and positive thinking and prayers are flowing your way every min of the day...Hugs to you and lucille and make sure you let linda know how much we love her and are thinking about you all

  2. Oh Lorraine, what a day you've had and yet you still keep sending us news about Linda, bless your heart...Thank you...
    Jean Paul & I send our loving care to Linda, You & Lucille...I know she will get better too.

  3. I just keep marveling at how very courageous you both are. (Lucille, too) Keep it up -- we're all surrounding you with compassion and lots of love.

  4. Our thoughts are with all three of you. We continue to send lots of positive vibes. They will work I am sure of it. I'm sure there must be a hole through those Rocky Mountains with all of the people who love you pushing those loving thoughts and good wishes. We know today was tough but hang in there we are with you.

  5. I'm feeling a dozen emotions as I read your last posting, Lorraine. What a trying day you've all had. I can't begin to imagine what you all went through today and how spent you must feel right about now. I keep having faith in the ICU team. Linda's in the right place with the best support team (you and Lucille are a huge part of that!). Love to you all . . . .

  6. The strength all three of you have is with all the love being sent your way this thing will have have it's butt kicked in due time. xoxo Lynn

  7. I can't beleave the day. So glad Linda is okay now! Wow ! I am speechless,again we are all thinking and praying that all goes well for the three of you .

  8. The incredible amount of love that surrounds Linda will support her every step of the way. I am so thankful she is stable. Our thoughts continue to remain with all of you. Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us all informed. XO

  9. What a scary day you had!i suppose with all that work they had to do an infection was inevitable but my guess is once they isolate the little bug they will be able to attack it with a vengeance!
    I'm so glad today has started off a little better
    Thanks for keeping us posted.Our love and prayers continue to go out to you all You are a great support for Linda.Hang in there and remember to take care of yourselves as well.
