Wednesday, September 29, 2010

ICU #35

Wow - another busy day for her! She was looking quite tired tonight. They decided to insert an ATV (or is that some kind of dangerous sport vehicle?) line so they can remove all her intravenous lines. The new one is safer and has 3 ports for whatever needs to go into the blood stream. They also did a ct scan this afternoon and found a small pocket of fluid in her abdomen which could just be drainage or could be a small abcess - they're keeping an eye on it. Relieved to hear that they won't have to open her up to get at it - just insert a needle in the abdomen. She's doing well with the feeding line and indicated (we're developing a complicated system of facial expressions and hand gestures as a form of communication) that she could taste it - don't know how - maybe the smell is bringing back gustatory memories!

During our conversation (!) this morning, Linda asked about her thoracic incision (done for the massage of her heart) and so I told her about that Wednesday night - quite a lot for her to take in and she looked, understandably, scared. But she knows she's getting better and maybe now understands why we 'hover'. She also wanted to know when she'll be getting out of ICU so I asked the docs and they said the only thing holding her back from going to the surgical recovery floor upstairs was her breathing. She needs to be on the trach cradle for a full 24 hours - breathing completely on her own - before she can go. That sure spurred her on - today she did 8 hours.

Hasta la vista, amigas y amigos!


  1. Gracias Lorraine.
    It's great to hear she's doing well on her breathing.Yahoo!!
    Hope you and Lucille are taking care of you too so you can keep up with Linda when she breaks out of there.
    Lots of love for all you three "L" Ladies.

    Con mucho amor desde aqui..


  2. Well, now that she is "involved" we will have to be checking the blog more regularly for updates! She is one determined woman.

  3. So glad to hear that Linda is responding and communicating with you and the medical staff!

    Now that she has the goal of breathing on her own I'm hoping you will all be able to move onto the next stage of recovery.

    Hugs, hugs, and more hugs sent your way...

  4. Wow, so much to take in! Linda's progress seems to be accelerating in the past couple of days, looks like the recovery area is in sight. This was a good news day for us all! Thanks so much for the fantastic updates. Hugs to all three L's.

  5. Sorry... fell behind in my reading and just got caught up with the goings on this a.m. SO good to hear that Linda is aware and responsive and moving toward leaving ICU. SO thankful too for you and Lucille as the 'hovering' caregivers. Love to all and continuing to send healing thoughts your way!

  6. Linda, Lorraine, Lucille
    I am sooooo very thrilled that you all seem to be doing well. Linda you truly inspire me, Lorraine and Lucille, you are two incredibly strong women and Linda is truly blessed to have you. Linda keep drawing on the strength of everyone sending positive thoughts your way.

  7. Talking! Yippee! Wow, I'm so thrilled to read you had a conversation with Linda! What an exciting day for you ladies!

    Sending love your way!

  8. What great news the last couple of days!I am sure you are all ready for a change...but tell our determind patient not to be too anxious to get out of a good care giving area such as the ICU there. Great that Linda is doing so well on the trach cradle..I expect it makes communication a little easier.Keep on hovering,you are doing such a great job!

  9. talking! That's great, as is her comprehension of all you have told her, those are good milestones. Perhaps she is making progress in all those areas of "appropriate behaviour" too. Hope you have been able to savour just a bit the distance travelled since last week.
