Thursday, September 30, 2010

ICU #36

Today was a '2 steps forward, 1 step back' day. Last night Linda had some bleeding from her lower incision and required 2 units of blood. Fortunately her vitals remained fairly stable during the mini-bleed and mostly returned to normal during the course of the day. The docs have given her meds for gi tract bleeding and are waiting to see if this works. She was quite disappointed that she couldn't do the trach cradle today - just too weak and tired from last night's ordeal. However tonight she was looking much perkier and Pete (RT) was by to say they'll try all day tomorrow.

Deb phoned tonight to say she and Sean are flying in on Saturday - just for overnight - so she can see her 'baby sister' and maybe concoct an escape plan!! Looking forward to seeing them!


  1. Thinking about you all and sending lots of positive thoughts and energy to Linda.
    Thanks so much for your updates Lorraine. Take care, hugs to L3.

  2. We're thinking of all three of you L's and hope that tomorrow is 2-3 steps forward to make up for the recent set back. Good to know that Debbie is coming to see her sis. You're all amazing gals. Hugs to all of you.

  3. Sending more good wishes from "Little Old Vernon". Forward steps are good, even baby ones! All the best.

  4. Well you got me singing again, 2 steps forward one step back. I'm sure its a song.
    Miss Lindilou is one hell of a fighter.
    We are both hoping and praying for more steps forward.
    Sending humongous hugs to L3.
    Great Deb and Sean are coming.
    One more week.

  5. All those 'forward' steps bring Linda closer to an amazing strength you have Lorraine..thanks again for keeping us 'blogged'!!
    Miss you, love you, sending 'Happy Friday" vibes your way this morning...

  6. Glad to hear you have family reinforcements coming into visit, even if it is for a short time! Get working on that escape plan!
