Saturday, September 18, 2010

ICU #20

She's still holding her own. All vitals were stable this afternoon. Sandi (today's nurse) was really pleased when she able to get Linda to wiggle her toes (yeah!) and squeeze her hand (double yeah!!). Talked to this am's surgeon - said her stomach looked good, the pancreatitus has not gotten worse and the trach tube went in without a problem. There's still infection but she's on antibiotics and we just have to wait.

A huge surprise this afternoon - I was called to the ICU reception desk because 'a man from Vernon' was calling. Turned out it was Linda's favourite crib partner, Jim Young, and he was in the ICU waiting room! He took a slight (!) detour from Golden where he's visiting - just to see Linda. What a wonderful and kind visit - super to see him and get 'Vernon hugs'.

Dr. Temple (THE surgeon/magician who got rid of the pesky cancer) was in tonight and was pleased to see Linda responsive and glad that they waited to decide about her stomach until this am.


  1. I am so glad you got to see Jim. Funny I was thinking of him today...
    Good to hear the vitals are stable. Sounds like your ICU team is excellent. Hope you can sleep a bit. Blessings.

  2. wiggling her toes and hand squeezing!Linda is a fighter. I am so happy for you.How wonderful that Jim Y came to visit. The ICU team really they are incredible. Sleep tight tonight Lucille and Loraine.Give my love to Coady and chicolate

  3. So happy the good news continues.Here's hoping you all have a good night.Looking forward to more
    improvement tomorrow.Lottie K. has called a few times and sends love.Good night for now.

  4. What a blessing.Amazing, Awesome,Incredible. Can't tell you how happy we are to hear Linda is stable. Everyday is a new day.
    C'mon fighter Linda. You can beat this.
    We love you lassie.
    Lorraine and Lucille hang in there. You are both wonderful amazing people.Linda is very lucky to have you both by her side.

  5. Great to hear things looking up. A day at a time, and thank goodness for modern medicine and excellent care. The love and hugs for all of you continue to be sent.

  6. Wiggling toe squeezing hands this could bring on a song ...great news ..Glad you had a visitor..You are a fighter...and we are all cheering for you Lindsay and I keep sending hugs and kisses.....xoxoxoxox

  7. What a great message to wake up to this morning, Lorraine!! Its a new day . . .a new week . . . I'm choosing to believe the troubles are behind us!! Big hugs . . . .Big smiles!!

  8. What incredible progress our fighter has made these past few days, Linda is the strongest woman I know !! Wiggling toes & squeezing hand...amazing news Lorraine...
    Jean Paul says he's out to win the 'Canada Goose' golf tourney at Spall today for Linda !!(in the pouring rain)
    Love to All XOXOXO

  9. YEEHAW!! So glad to hear Linda's responsiveness.

  10. It's wonderful to hear that Linda is fighting this battle. Keep it up, Linda!
    What a great guy Jim is! That sounds just like him for sure! Still sending prayers and good energy your way!

  11. GREAT news Lorraine! Hugs and Love to L3.

  12. So relieved to hear positive news!! You have been amazing at keeping everyone informed while being there for Linda!! I see sunshine breaking through the clouds!! Lots of love to you all!

  13. Yeah!! So happy to hear things are looking up. You all continue to be in my thoughts.
