Monday, January 10, 2011

102 2i

Dr Temple returned today and was very pleased with what's going on - evidently he can tell by the CT scans that the fistula has shrunk considerably (from 15 cm down to 2 cm!!). So the Plan is for Linda to start on real food again so he can check if segments of the food come out the drain. Today we went to IKEA and she had 2 meatballs and some fries. So we're still playing the waiting game but at least Linda's getting food. Tracy has planned a scalloped potato and ham dinner for Thursday - Linda's thrilled!!! If she can tolerate food during the next few days, then the next step will be the feeding tube coming out.


  1. Wow! What a difference a couple of days (and 13 cms!) makes. This is all such grand news, Lorraine!

    Here's to a week of steps forward!! Hugs to you both . . . Kim

  2. So glad to hear your very positive news today! Keep healing and getting stronger Linda........ it will be grand when that feeding tube comes out!!!!!!

  3. Great news....Good job Linda keep up the good work both of you...It is great to hear you both so positive

  4. That IS good news. Getting past the thought of real food to actually having a plate in front of you again... sure you ARE thrilled! rock on.

  5. Great news, glad to hear the docs are able to measure the healing so well. Let's hope for a fabulous experience at your dinner on Thursday.
    Getting colder here again. We just need more snow now!
    Keep up the healing and the traveling around Calgary. I don't know if half as well as you!

  6. Food, glorious food. I feel like breaking into song! Keep on healing kiddo.
    Think of all 3 of you OFTEN. Hugs from Ren and Den.

  7. So glad you're continuing to progress so well -- 2011 is going to be a great year!
    Hugs, Lynda T.

  8. Good News, Real Food!!!
    hope the food goes down well, and this fistula heals completely.

  9. A loooong road with potatoes and gravey at the end! So glad to hear more positives. Thank you

  10. What some people will do for a ham and scalloped potato dinner! So glad to hear that things are looking up.
    Sandi Simpson
