Sunday, January 16, 2011

102 2n

We're just getting ready to watch the Golden Globes - snacks are out, Linda is ensconced on the couch with a comforter, and dinner is in the oven. This will be quite the 'entertainment' day - Tracy, Linda and I went to see Barney's Version this afternoon. Quite enjoyed it - Giamatti is wonderful - even makes Barney almost lovable. Before we left the hospital at noon, Dr T popped by to talk about the Plan and it's changed a bit. Now we're waiting for a couple of days to see if the 'collection' changes in size before any attempt at re-insertion is tried. So another holding pattern - if we were airplanes, we would have run out of fuel!!


  1. Wouldn't it be something if Dr. Temple decides that Linda doesn't need the drain after all. Sounds like that might be one of the options! Enjoy the Globes and the munchies.

    Hugs to you all . . .

  2. Greetings (:
    Jean Paul & I went to see 'The King's Speech" this afternoon on your was fabulous, we both loved the movie very much...I bet you both feel like repeating some of Bertie's frustration 'words' know which ones (:
    Hope the wait isn't too long.
    Love to you both, XOXOXOXOX
    Pat & Jean Paul

  3. WAITING is not the strong suit for so many of us! Sorry to hear you're 'forced' into this holding pattern, but I vote for strength over lunacy ;) And you've got the fuel, so "hang" in there! love to you both.

  4. Waiting I guess you two are very good at that with a few swear words in place. Soon soon you will be here at home Love Liz

  5. Hey There,
    In my experience, lunacy, tempered in 30 second doses, can heal and lighten the spirit.
    Of course, as a known lunatic, I will saying that timing is everything.

  6. Fuel for waiting, isn't that snacks, munchies, good friends and a place to just let your frustrations out for a change. Hope you learn a few new vocab words to release the stress.
    I need to get going to movies you guys, I am so behind.
    Hoping you had a good evening with the awards.
    As I said before, lunacy awards have been awarded, but patience awards under stress, those are up and I hear you are in the running!
    Love to you.
    From all of us,
