Sunday, January 16, 2011

102 2m

Good morning from not-quite-so-frosty Calgary! (in fact, a chinook is predicted for later this week!!)

Yesterday was a spa-wait day - waiting 'in queue' for Linda to go to have the new drain inserted (a 30-45 minute procedure or so we were told). She was finally whisked off around 3:00 by a member of the Canadian Olympic bobsled team (I kid you not!!!) who's also a porter at the spa - and (silly me) I didn't go with her, but instead went off to find the Globe and some ginger ale (Linda's beverage of choice). Well, she didn't return until almost 6:00 (yes, I started making noises about 5:00) and she came back drainless and very annoyed. Some of you may have experienced a disgruntled Linda - a sight to behold. She didn't get her drain (the radiologist said the drain passage way had started to heal and he needed a new CT scan) and she was left in a dark hallway for an hour, waiting for a porter to bring her back to 102. Someone named Richard may get an earful tomorrow. So, the new plan involves the drain being inserted maybe tomorrow. Sometimes, it seems like every possible obstacle is being hurled up in front of us - when we finally get home, we will either be the strongest women on the planet or a pair of raving lunatics.


  1. What series of hiccups and frustrations! You already are two of the strongest women we know. I'm convinced that's the only reason that you aren't bowing to lunacy every now and again! And in the midst of the frustrations, Linda heals more and more and gets stronger and stronger each day . . . .and that's the good stuff!! Home isn't too far off!

  2. Healing is good, but apparently not when they then want to insert a new drain....
    Sorry, the award for raving lunatics has already been chosen and while you are self-selecting out of frustration, you have both shown far too much good humour, patience and sanity.......and anyway, raving loonies live in Ottawa and have few friends, and no social skills and you have all of us!
    My sincere sympathies, and I hope the drain gets sorted tomorrow.
    Warmer here too, but not good, there will be a lot of snowballs tomorrow.
    Do you think the bobsledder borrows old, underused trollies and converts them? Just an image that came to me.

  3. I am going for the strongest women on the planet! The lunatics doesn't look good for either one of you!Bobsledder! The people you meet are always amazing aren't they? I think you should make this blog into a book. It is very good reading. I wonder how the spa resort would like it? Take care you two .How was the movie today? Liz

  4. I'm with Liz...... you will be SANE and STRONG!
    Enjoy the globes and your delicious dinner.
    Hugs to you both,
