Wednesday, January 19, 2011

102 2p

Great news! The 'collection' has not grown so she is spared the discomfort of another drain. Now we just need to get that INR up to the required rate and then there is NOTHING keeping us here. I can 'see' the mountains of Vernon in the distance!!


  1. Wow!!! That is grreat news.
    I'm sayin' a few quick prayers, and sending energy to the Universe
    in support of the" get them home mission".
    Here's Hopin' Home is on the Horizon.

  2. Whatever an NR rate is, I'm pulling for it to "get up there"! :-) You're almost home . . . . how sweet that will be, my friend. Vernon has missed you! Hugs . . . .Kim

  3. That's INDEED great news! Like Kim, whatever that means, hoping for the best! Ah... home sweet home. I look forward to hearing you're there REAL soon. more hugs :)

  4. Yahoo & good riddance to Fredrika !! Looking forward to more great news on the INR (???) then it'll be 'Home Sweet Home'
    So happy for you both XOXOXOXOXOXO


  5. Linda & Lorraine As the saying goes all good things come to those who wait, whether the waiting is by choice or not doesn't matter. This is great news. Hopefully before you know it you will be home.

  6. Arrivederci to Frederika and Amen to coming home when all the counts that count are where they need to be counted.
    One important question remains though..... where will the fashionista shop when she is finally home in Vernon? Will our sad little mall and the paltry selection in Kelowna be enough or is she now a big consumer in the retail fashion world?
    This begs the question, " Will I be underdressed to be seen in your Tres Habille company?"
    Looking forward to being my very fashionless self in your company (we'll leave it to G to be fashionable)
    Lots of hurrays from here. Keep counting!
