Wednesday, December 1, 2010

102 #1k

Hi Everbody!  Linda G here blogging on..... It's been a journey to be sure but many blessings thrown into the mix as well.  Thanks to each and everyone of you for hanging in there with us - it has meant more to us than you know.  Having good friends and family are  really what life is all about (and a little morphine now and then is good to)!

Lorraine and I have learned to go day by day with all the pokes and prods and that has made it easier to deal with the peaks and valleys of this journey we are on.  Certainly more peaks than valleys - Dr. Temple remains optimistic about my recovery and we are too!

Well that's all from me for now - nice talking to you all. 

Take care,   Linda


  1. Linda & Lorraine, It is GREAT to hear from you Linda. Day by day is the only way to live, I have finally learned that. It is great that in this journey for you there are defintely more peaks than valleys. It is all we can ask is that the good outweighs the bad. Keep the optimistic attitude and I am sure you will continue down this road to the next part of your journey, safe and sound and confortable in your home with your doggies. Take good care.

  2. So good to hear your words. It is a lesson of life isn't it to go one day at a time, and sometimes, 5 or 10 minutes at a time.
    We are wishing you both well as you continue this journey.
    Love to you both, and I will update you on doggie doings (not dooings) when I have seen Liz.

  3. Wow Linda is is great 2 hear your words...You are amazing and i think of you daily...I am so proud of you Lorraine that everyday you bless us with an update on linda which has helped us all here...And linda you are amazing and strong and which you both love and prayers everyday

  4. Hey there, Linda! Can't tell you how great it feels to read your words on this blog! Absolutely makes me grin. You and Lorraine are two such incredibly strong women . . . you amaze me. Sure looking forward to hearing more from you on the blog :-) Keep taking good care! Hugs . . . Kim

  5. Linda, nice to hear your 'voice'! Not usually short in the "words department" I'm fishing for something wise or witty to say, and it ain't coming to me... too long a work day. Just know that you're in our thoughts and we SO appreciate this blog, til we can play Hearts again ;) Hugs to you both.

    What a pleasure it is to see you writing on the blog. Lorraine sure has done an amazing job of keeping us all informed. Linda, you are one LUCKY lady not only in the journey you have been on but the truly unbelievable support you've had from Lorraine your nearest and dearest.
    I think you know how much everyone else has been a "ROOTING" for you.
    Hang in there. You WILL be home in VERNON soon.
    Humungous hugs to you both.

  7. LINDA!!!!! It's wonderful to read your post! We think about you all the time and we're excited for when you get to return to Vernon! Hang in there!

    the Pauls

  8. That is really you writing isn't it Linda. So good for you to have a voice on the blog our life line to how you are doing. Thank you Lorraine. You are blessed to have her in your life for sure! Soon you two will be home and we can all hardly wait , it will happen sooner than you think you two. Stay the coarse and practice playing cards we are ready when you are. Love Liz and Jim and the pooches miss you as well bark bark and lick lick

  9. Oh wow, to hear from you Linda, is soooo special! Keep up the good fight there lady, we are still all here rooting for you! All the best....

  10. Hugs, hugs, hugs to both of you

  11. Great to hear from you Linda! It means so much to us all to hear from you!
    Am really looking forward to seeing you when you are home. Keep on getting stronger and healing.
    Hugs to you both
    Penny and Bob

  12. OMG, see that, you barely get your fingers working and we want more. Love that we are hearing from you and look forward to more.

  13. Linda! It's so great to hear your cyber voice! Hugs and warm wishes. No journey is without it's struggles, keeping a positive outlook is half the battle and you've got that in spades. I can't wait until you're both back safe and sound, we miss you! MANY Hugs to you guys (& the pooches)!!

  14. So good to hear from you Linda! So glad that you are getting stronger day by day. Keep up the hard work, so many people sending you all the strength we can muster. Hugs!

  15. you are both an inspiration!
