Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baking #2

So I'm standing in line at Safeway with more baking supplies (butter, almond extract, lemon) when I overhear the most intriguing, eavesdropped sentence of the entire Calgary sojourn:

"And that's how Dorothy met all her husbands."


  1. Too funny Lorraine. Sounds like it brought a smile to your face.
    OOOH more cookies. YUMMY! Did i tell Lynne like lemon. LOL
    3 more days.

  2. Standing in line can always be very entertaining! So did you get more info?More baking Lorraine how wonderful and relaxing! Are the camera's there? Remember your audience! Oh we put up the tree and the pooches were most concerned and didn't like the couch covered with decorations at all! They were miffed. But it all ended well with some cuddling and watching tv. Love Liz and Bark Bark

  3. When are you writing the screenplay? We could discuss it at bookclub.
