Wednesday, December 15, 2010

102 1v

Linda had a sinogram (sp?) this morning - her first of her stay here. Dye was injected in through her big drain and then the radiologist used the xray to look at the peritoneal cavity and the stomach. We have to wait for Dr T to look at the results before we hear what's going on in there. The silver lining was Linda didn't have to drink the wretched Telebrix!  Then she had a lovely snooze while I waited in line (!#*) for a new parking pass. And then (da-da-da-dum - my version of a drum roll) Linda had her first real shower in 3 months - not that she wasn't getting bathed during that time - but this was in a shower stall with hot water streaming down her body. She said it felt really good. And then we had a lovely, surprise visit from Bill and Micheline. What a great day!!!


  1. This seems like its been a week of big smiles and great steps forward! . . . .and its only Wednesday :-) I'm grinning from ear to ear! Hugs, my dear.

  2. WOW... and the rest of us just dye our HAIR ;) Hope all is well where that color went! And ooh, that shower must have been a grand thing. All in prep for visitors. Nice. Always good to get such happy news. And loved the 1-line from the Safeway line-up! cheers and hugs to you both.

  3. Linda so happy you can now shower! Things are looking up! Love Liz

  4. Hey there off to Ottawa tomorrow and head to Montreal on the 29th.
    Back in Vancouver Jan. 13th.
    Will Keep in touch

  5. Lorraine and Linda: Pretty fun ease dropping info. Isn't it good to finally get that lovely shower! I'm dying for some new recipes so maybe next year I can pick your brain and get some Calgary recipes. When you describe the ingredients my mouth starts to water. I'm way behind! You two could write some pretty interesting stories about your Calagary hospital/living experiences and maybe be published in Reader's Digest or the NewYorker.
    All the best. Ren and Den

  6. Waiting for parking passes...ouch....almost as bad as throwing a gutter ball (teehee)!! Happy to hear more good news about our 'SPA' lady...showering, dreaming of yummy food,snoozing, hey, wait a minute, that's what I love to do.................
    Take care, Love Pat XOXOXOXOXOXO
