Thursday, December 23, 2010

102 1z

So another busy couple of days - we got Linda out to the Farmers Market on Tuesday afternoon, didn't stay too long because Linda's shoulder was hurting. We've become quite paranoid (completely understandable given the circumstances) about any aches or pains. Anyway, multiple tests were done on and about the shoulder and the general consensus was that it was a muscle pull which, over the past couple of days, has become more manageable. Yesterday, we had her out again - this time to a nearby mall for a bit of last minute shopping. The Team is thinking that we'll be coming home sometime around the beginning of January - dependent, of course, on the stomach fistula healing. On other medical fronts, Lucille's lip is back to normal and she didn't develop a black eye!! And she discovered last night she could still play the slots - even with a fractured wrist.


  1. It all sounds good, all is well here in Ottawa.
    I hope Lucille has good luck with the slots.

  2. Only 2 more sleeps before Santa comes... :) wishing he could deliver freedom from discomfort and falling! But sounds like you have a great 'care team'. Happy again to hear that you're out and about and always the thought of a home date is exciting! Good luck with those one-armed bandits, and love to all.

  3. Does it seem luckier when a one-armed bandit plays a one-armed bandit, Lucille?? :-)

    Sounds like you'll be celebrating your own kind of New Year just a short while later than normal . . . and what a celebration it will be to get 2010 behind you. Its been quite a year in more ways than one, my friends.

    Our family is getting together on Christmas Eve for a meal and gifts. Look out! I'm in charge of the ham and perogies (Good grief! They have more faith in my cooking than I do!).

    Hugs to all . . . .human and canine!

  4. This is Lynda (aka "Little T") posting under Laurie's sign-in. So nice to be able to go back and read through all the posts... well maybe "nice" isn't the right word to describe knowing about all the bumps in the road, but I guess I mean it's wonderful to hear/read your voices. I will continue to send my prayers and most positive energy westward - you are both in my thoughts every day.

  5. Hello Lorraine & Linda...sorry to hear about the sore shoulder, hopefully the pain will ease up in a few more days. Opening all those Xmas presents may require some pre-shoulder stretches... HOHOHO
    Sending warm comfy wishes your way as always (:
    Love Pat & Jean Paul XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

  6. Hey Linda and Lorraine,
    So glad to hear that you are getting out and about Linda and that Lucille is on the mend. Not long til Christmas now, and I know that someone is going to have some mighty fine stocking stuffers to look forward to on Christmas morning! Sure glad to hear that you will be home soon..... keeping my fingers crossed about the stomach fistula healing fast.

    Take care, hugs to you both.
