Wednesday, December 8, 2010

102 1q

Linda had a gastrografen (?) swallow test today - and yes it involves the bane of her life - Telebrix. But it was to see if that wretched fistula in her stomach has healed and we'll hear the results tomorrow. A quiet day here (apart from the test). We'd hoped to maybe have a turn outside in a wheelchair (lovely weather here) but she slept instead. The Docs are still pleased with her progress and she's gaining strength.


  1. Gaining Strength, just what we want to hear!! Keep on going Linda! It's nice to read notes from both of you. We look forward to reading your daily messages and hope to see you soon. Glad to know that your sinus condition is improving. I have never tried one of those nasal things nor have I seen one but it does sound gruesome but heh if it works I'd probably use it too. I have just started do do some baking. We expect to have some company over the holidays so I'd better get busy. Amelia will be home and it has been three years since she has spent Christmas with us. Oh yes, her fiancee is also coming. Yikes!!! It should be lots of fun.Anyways gals I'm rambling, I do miss seeing you and talking to both of you. Take care of yourselves so we can see you soon. Love Ren and Den.

  2. Well sounds like Denise and you are doing Christmas baking! I need to get some done or get a line on some. I am figuring how to do buttertarts with an alternative to the brown sugar...
    All those tests wear one out, glad Linda did sleep afterward.
    Here today was yucky warm, after all the snow it made a big mess, so I am wishing for colder weather and snow.
    Hope your weather tomorrow will allow for some time to get outside.
    Jonathan is at that exciting place where all the reading is starting to come together at once and he is reading tons of stuff.
    Take care.

  3. Don't know about that test or the bane of Telebrix, but just wanting to hear that the outcome's a good one. Sorry you didn't get oot and aboot but extra rest and sleep is a wonderful thing! Progress and strength are a pleasure to our ears. hugs both.

  4. remember little steps and you two will get there! Made the French Bark. It looks so good! Thanks for the tip. Mid day here so the pooches are very happy! No Quail today we are wondering where they are! Hugs to all Liz and Jim and Bark Bark
