Tuesday, December 14, 2010

102 1u

We went off to the Harry Potter movie this afternoon and stayed for almost a couple of hours. Quite a slow movie - we couldn't understand why they chose to include all the whiny parts - Harry, Hermione and Ron being depressed and mopey about not being able to destroy the horcrux - oh well, what do we know!!?? Linda was just happy to be out and about, but was quite tired when we got back to the hospital. Just before we left for our adventure, Dr T came by and reiterated that Linda would be a spa resident until the wretched drains and feeding tube were removed. They're going to start doing tests tomorrow to check on the fistula.
We'll be staying at the spa tomorrow and Thursday, but Friday we're planning to go to the Calgary Farmers' Market - probably the best market I've ever been to.

Our address:  1011 17th Avenue NW
                       Calgary, AB    T2M 0P5


  1. Good morning you two! Nice to read that you've been out gallivanting :) And a trip to the market sounds grand. Enjoy. Thanks so much for the address so thoughts and wishes can actually end up in your hands! luv you guys. :)

  2. Yup Yup Yup---Harry Potter a little too much sitting and whinging. not enuf movement. Next one oughta rock.

  3. So - tomorrow is market day. What a great way to end an up-beat week! Tomorrow is also the last day of school for our students before the holidays. Sure will make next week a wee bit quieter at the office!

    Enjoy tomorrow's outing . . . keep your faces to the sunshine!

    Hugs . . . .Kim
